Welcome to the And Now What Courageous Community!
Our Mighty Networks platform is a free-to-join platform providing a safe and inspiring space for us to engage and interact with each other online.
What you can expect to find there
You will find a welcoming place to get to know and tune-in to others, communicate your experiences–possibly share your grief or your love for life–and your ideas and aspirations. We expect different spaces will evolve as we interact and the community’s needs become clearer as we each face reality and then collectively live the questions together in these times of change.
We are creating a platform where you will find:
Inspiring free content and conversations around topical articles with initial topics such as facing reality, grief, quotes
Places to sense into, offer and seek mutual support and deeper relationships
Announcements for our online offerings and events
Information about how to subscribe to our paid subscription-only online and real-life offerings and events, including Courageous Conversations, in-house teachings and facilitations
Articles about facilitation, whole systems design, and pathways to grow into courageous living
Above all, we are co-creating a platform for you to meet others, ask your questions, share your insights, learn and (un)learn from other Shambhala Warriors on the journey to collapse awareness.
Our Courageous Community Rules – please read and agree to follow before entering
If we are to truly face reality and live the questions, then we need to encourage deep, open communication about really confronting issues that would generally not be permissible in other places. If you are here, we know you will understand that to do so we must co-govern in ways that enable as much freedom of speech as possible, whilst also preserving the sanctity of safe-enough spaces, all while holding a diversity of opinions with mutual respect.
In order to keep our Community a safe-enough space we have adopted an initial set of Courageous Community Rules – this set applies to the whole community and may evolve as needed – please assist us in this if you see possible improvements.
Please note: Just as restaurants have different menus, different spaces we are creating inside the platform may have or require their own additional rules – e.g: Circle Practice Rules to protect the vulnerable.
Courageous Community General Rules
Be aware, we reserve the right to delete any post, and block any account, for posting what we deem inappropriate content. Such content includes, but is not limited to, the following kinds of content:
Promoting too strongly one’s own work or any particular ideology or solution – we welcome suggestions, but not at the expense of others or with guarantees of success – we are in a predicament
Disputing that global heating, ecological decline or Overshoot are happening
Arguing it is unhelpful to discuss collapse – that is the whole premise of our work here
Insisting that human extinction is inevitable – we see it as one possible scenario
Arguing for fascistic or violent approaches to the situation – we understand why you might feel that way, yet will not condone it
Negative comments on the intentions or character of a fellow member
Demanding that participants adopt a more positive attitude – we wish to promote increasing our depth to hold both negative and positive
How do you get there?
Thank you for reading our Courageous Community General Rules.
If you agree, then simply click the button below and join our Mighty Networks platform.
We look forward to welcoming you there.