We honour the courage it took for you to arrive at this point.
How will we work with you?
As collapse-accepting practitioners we welcome you wherever you are in your journey: in seeking, not-knowing, anger, fierceness, vulnerability, pain, grief, anxiety, exhaustion… or a messy combination of more than one — this is not easy terrain.
We will not reduce what you are experiencing to ‘a personal problem’ or assume you must be ‘fixed’ to fit back into a broken system. We won’t push you in any way.
We will witness and hold you while moving and navigating through collapse awareness.
We will support you in the dark places, and, if and when you are ready, invite you to explore and embody the brighter possibilities of a meaningful and joyful post-doom life, either individually, or with others you bring with you.
A Coach, Mentor, or Systems-Value Mentor?
Although they have a different flavor, there is no sharp line dividing coaching and mentoring. We embrace the fuzziness and can offer both, for individual seekers and as part of our safety-net for the Courageous Conversations community.
“A coach shines a light into your blind spots and invites your soul to shine…”
A coach works from the in-side-out: he or she helps you become more aware of your individual issues, values, goals, choices…. A coach does not provide you with advice or answers, but assists you in defining and refining your questions, elicits your inner wisdom and resources, challenges your assumptions, shines a light into your blind spots, mirrors your insights and potentials, and much more… A coach provides you with a safe space to feel your feelings, to invite your soul to shine, to hear your deepest calling…
“A mentor offers directions based on having travelled similar journeys before…”
A mentor works from the out-side-in: he or she has knowledge and experience in the field that you wish to explore, has ‘been there, done that, and learned from it’, knows the ins-and-outs and potential pitfalls to try to avoid. A mentor can help you assess your situation and guide you in discerning where you are and where to go from there. A mentor offers you directions, tools and resources that suit your capabilities in your specific context, while respecting your agency and choices.
We also offer a third option – systems mentor.
A systems-value mentor offers a deeper systemic perspective to both challenge you (and your team or project) and hold and encourage you as you reframe direction and priorities in a more holistic collapse-aware systems-ethical, whole-systems value creation context
A systems-value mentor listens to you and situates you in deep systems context: they understand and support your position, on your terms, and empathise with you on the personal costs involved in altering your position.
They will not collude with you in trying to avoid the non-negotiability of biophysical realities; they are not someone who is ‘good company for the wrong journey’; and they are not there to help you ‘do the wrong things righter’ — when science tells us how urgently we must enable systemic transformation, greenwashing and incrementalism are deadly.
They can see and hold multiple perspectives simultaneously. They will probe to understand your systems-context and provide a safe-enough space to explore and live the questions with you, your team, or your project, while illuminating you in a deeply collapse-aware systems context. They will listen deeply, and challenge you with honest, interactive and revealing systems-ethical insights around your individual and collective priorities and direction in these times.
At larger fractal scales, beyond personal coaching and mentoring, systems-value mentoring tends toward Systems Facilitation and Synthesis or Whole Systems Design.
Choose the Coaching, Mentoring or Systems-mentoring you need
And Now What offer a suite of different, complementary and variously overlapping skills and gifts depending on what you need.
If you need someone with years of professional coaching and grief and trauma counselling experience to deeply empathise with your situation, choose Anne.
If you need someone with many years of experience facilitating groups to successful outcomes to help you frame your questions and approach with a group engagement, choose David.
If you need someone to empathise with you in navigating the systemic complexities of influencing the sustainability, collapse-awareness, -acceptance and -preparedness of organizations, institutions or communities, or who specialises in systems-mentoring, choose Neil.
We have them all covered, and invite you to choose the coach / mentor / systems-mentoring you think best suits your needs and then click the button below to arrange a free 30-minute mutual discovery session to discuss your needs and check the fit with your choice. As a team we respect the possibility that as your situation becomes clearer, another one of us might be the better choice for you at that point.
Standard Online Coaching or Mentoring Sessions:
- Standard Session – 90 minutes = 150 €
- Private person – TVA is included
- Self-employed or company person– TVA not included
- Each extension of 30 minutes = 50 €
Choose your Coach / Mentor

I’m a psychologist and Certified Coach (including team and organizational coaching) and worked for many years with leaders/managers, consultants/trainers and entrepreneurs.
I love helping ‘seekers’ tune into their souls’ calling.
My approach is intuitive, backed up by a broad toolbox – including NLP, systemic work, grief and trauma healing, and relaxation through guided meditation and co-regulation.
Over time my style has evolved into ‘less is more’.
We connect. We express, we talk.
We slow down. We listen. Listen. Listen again.
We feel. We feel our body and honour its wisdom. We breathe.
We listen to the wisdom of our emotions.
When we reach pain, we honour it. We feel the love that lies beneath, and honour it.
We feel our connection with Gaia, and honour it.
We heal ourselves, to heal the world.
We sit in silence. We invite the Soul to speak.
We trust.
What is it, that calls us?
If you need a qualified psychologist with deep coaching experience to help you cope with grief, trauma or transformational change associated with collapse…. choose Anne.

My mentoring draws on a lifetime’s attempts to influence complex human system dynamics in government, universities, NGO’s, industry, social-entrepreneurship, eco-spiritual groups, communities of practice and real communities of place.
I’ve had positive experiences protecting and regenerating natural environments and assisting organizations and communities become more ecologically and socially generative. I’ve also often experienced the heart-wrenching pain of watching emerging potentials disrupted before they could blossom, or sustainability initiatives dumbed-down, diluted, wilfully misreported or dismantled, resulting in communities and places I love being destroyed for extractive political or monetary gain…
As a photographer and poet, I sense deeply, see wonder and awe almost everywhere, and seek and find potential in places others wouldn’t look. I will help you find yours.
I will listen deeply as we probe and trace your journey — to here and beyond — through empathetic and compassionate eyes.
Together we will explore your frustrations and gifts. We’ll find what has been suppressed and now wants to be born. We’ll seek insights into how and where you might more meaningfully express yourself in these difficult times.
Relevant poem: If you have come to me, then…
If you need someone who understands the frustrations of working in government or non-government organizations, guidance on how to create social-ecological stewardship or navigating the complexity of introducing more science-aligned, collapse-aware and life-affirming approaches to programs or projects, or an empathetic ear and external confidant to help you consider ‘what next’ for you… choose Neil.

I’m a facilitator. For me, facilitation is a sacred task.
As a practitioner, I enable people to have a say in the decisions that affect them. I help them create and control their narratives.
As a trainer, I use facilitation to train facilitation. No death by PowerPoint here…
As a coach and/or mentor, I facilitate people to explore and transform their situations. Mostly professionally, occasionally personally.
- Accredited Technology of Participation™ practitioner
- Authorised Technology of Participation™ trainer.
If you need a qualified facilitator to assist you in framing conversations and processes for transformation… choose David.